Pondering 10 Principles

The Ten Principles:

  1. Radical Inclusion
  2. Gifting
  3. Decommodification
  4. Radical Self-reliance
  5. Radical Self-expression
  6. Communal Effort
  7. Civic Responsibility
  8. Leaving No Trace
  9. Participation
  10. Immediacy

In the middle of all the physical and metaphorical dust storms, The 10 Principles keep the beautiful chaos on track. Some are pretty clear, like “Leave No Trace.” Others are more tricky to get your head around. As a long-time Burner, I am sometimes asked to clarify or explain the Principles as I understand them. Read the official explanations here, and then check out my thoughts in the video above.

These views are solely the views of Halcyon and do not represent the opinions of The Burning Man Organization.

About the author: John "Halcyon" Styn


Halcyon is a 21-year Burning Man participant and co-founder of Pink Heart camp. He is author of "Love more. Fear less." and producer of the Burning Man short film, "The Pink Path." He's won Webby awards for his over-the-top personal site & his "Love On Demand" video podcast HugNation.com. Halcyon co-founded the San Diego based "1st Saturdays" homeless outreach program based on Burning Man Principles and coaches people how to be radically self expressed in the default world. You can find his full Playa Tips & Tricks series at www.PlayaPrinciples.com

5 Comments on “Pondering 10 Principles

  • Spiritwalker says:

    Thank you so much, Halcyon!

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  • My pleasure, Spiritwalker!

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  • Fausto says:

    As usual John you are amazing! Luca went around Center Camp last year to take pictures of them and “enforcing” the rule to those who didn’t
    Luca Lorenzo & Fausto

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  • Blaze says:

    Often people encounter the 10P indirectly of their original experience of Burning Man, yet when they do it is immediately recognizable in an elemental way as a description of the social fabric that we sustain there. I feel strongly that these principles have always existed intuitively as the healthy form of evolved social structure. But now we have been able to codify the ideas, and implement them in an arena that is both free enough to let them be absorbed and large enough that they gain continuity and can spread to the greater world. To me, this is the real work we’re doing here, for the world is sadly, desperately in need of a universal model of behavior and we are sadly lacking of means to share one.

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